Come and join me on Valentine’s day for a little poetry recital in the new Colony Room 4 Heddon Street, W1B 4BS from 6.30 ( it’s free ), see you there

Come and join me on Valentine’s day for a little poetry recital in the new Colony Room 4 Heddon Street, W1B 4BS from 6.30 ( it’s free ), see you there ❤️🔥❤️



Review and photos of La Nuit Amérotique III at ST Moritz Soho Dec 2024

Last night for a new helping of Anne Pigalle’s fabulous night of cabaret and music, a riot of creativity and imagination as you´ll find few others in the wastelands of London´s vast sprawl right now. In an all but moribund Soho, controlled by chains and corporate joints of one or other sort, with our nights sanitised within an inch of their life, the anointed Queen of Soho was back where she belongs, and where all started in that fabled part of town many centuries ago, in basement bars where a taste of French bohemia was brought by the nonconformist Huguenots. Anne’s nuit amérotique stands out like a beacon of glorious dissidence and good old punk-flavoured glamour. She comes across as the perfect iconoclast, an anti woke and anti-nostalgia diva intent on bringing back single-handedly the open-ended thrills of the nights of yesteryear, when one did not need to spend the price of a small house in Liverpool for a signature cocktail that left you with a hangover and a red in your bank account. The Saint Moritz Club in Wardour street, with its no-frills two pumps of lager and red or white wine as poisons of choice, offers a salutary and most welcome alternative to pumped-up nights which are all fur coat and no knickers these days. Down the vertiginous stairs that lead you into that marvellous cave, you find that it is the people and the effort they make dressing up in their own style where the fun and joy of the night truly are. Leading us all last night with her enthusiasm and her vamped-up, Nancy Sprungen wig and lamé gown was Anne herself, of course, moving about the place encouraging all of us off our mobile phones and joining the fun, talking to each other and discovering who we are, engaging in the noble art of conversation. She moved about like a professional Madame in her own maison de tolérance in her native Montmartre. The atmosphere was warmed up by a great supporting band with an intriguing name, Parentheses Dot Dot, a gang of excellent musicians with s front man in full makeup and dressed in dandy clothes, offering a rejuvenated and much needed sense of English eccentricity to the London scene. Then there was the young lady who did hoopla dances, forcing us to move to the sides as she jumped about and did her circus-like performance, a cabaret number leading us to more of the new-waveish band. After a break, we had the main dish served, Ms Pigalle´s unleashed riot of energy, which started announcing us that the French government had fallen that evening and inciting us to revolution and having some heads chopped that night, metaphorically or otherwise. She lashed on with a most splendid version of that Jagger-Richard perennial, “As Tears go By” sung so poignantly by this newly revived Marianne, icon of the French République, a cross between Faithfull and Dietrich, although as Gallic and Sohoesque as the Cocteau murals in Notre Dame de France, nearby off Leicester Square. Anne announces her evening as the best in town, and she is not blagging. Her electrifying performances are a shot of energy mainlined into the veins of the flat-lining London nightlife. So, don’t be fooled and come out of your hides wherever you are, children of the revolution and the night, and pray that Ms Pigalle´s bohemian séances are with us to stay. Dress up in your best glad rags and head down to the Saint Moritz the next time we are called by the goddess of all of us free spirits, and follow her “jusqu’au bout de la nuit, jusqu’au bout de la folie”. Forget time, forget tomorrow, forget yourself and everything else. Do not think about anything, just follow the rhythm and the freedom of the surge of fun and creativity, served hot for us by the last chanteuse left in town”


SOHO LIVE Dec 4th 2024


🐦‍⬛ 🐈‍⬛




+ some things to be announced



Review of La Nuit Amérotique at St Moritz June 2024


Interview in Far Out



Please buy the artist’s music and art from this page ❤️

if you are interested in the art, there is a contact form at the bottom of the page

The CDs and painted CDs are here below ⬇️


Message me and get your Ecstase album 👄 or A great big kiss



🥀 click here on ART SHOP 🥀 for small artworks.

For bigger works enquire


Mini versions of everything available on Bandcamp :

❤️ 👄❤️ 🇫🇷💖


🧚‍♀️ THE DEAL 🧚‍♀️ ( painted CD and memory stick ) 2021 live in the studio

THE DEAL painted usb memory stick £15 worldwide p&p included
THE DEAL painted CD £35 worldwide p&p incl.



26 vignettes , an original front and back cover painted, a cd-r with a drawing on the cd

Choose below
Madame Sex cds


Queen Maria / Ace of Spade / Madame Sex / The Land of Plenty / Letter to an imaginary lover / Over The Top / Pigalle, London, Paris / E-rotica De Toi/ C***t Me In/ Saint Orgasm / X Amount / The Whole / La Femme Chat / Not Only The Flesh / Sulfur /Are You For Real? /You Give Me Asthma / 23 /La Pucelle / Nothing Happens…/Red Like Envy / A New Life / Le Poète Est Anglais/ The Garden of Eden / Voodoo Doll / Lunch


🧚‍♀️ ECSTASE the masterpiece 2018/2019 vinyl limited edition and CD ( simple or painted ) 🧚‍♀️ Above is an example of a painted CD

Simple CD Ecstase £15
Vinyl Ecstase UK and Europe ( signed/numbered ) £40
Vinyl Ecstase USA and the rest of the world £50 ( signed and numbered + mini artwork to compensate the rise of post office prices )
Painted Ecstase Cd £50




ECSTASE, on vinyl, limited edition, numbered and signed – ask your  dedication 

                     A filmic album

The odyssey of a woman through the underworld of Paris, London and Los Angeles

                           All songs written and produced by Anne Pigalle

MOJO: Written, produced and powerfully sung by Pigalle, Ecstase is her most satisfactory album to date. 10 songs progressing from melancholy to True love via Black Dahlia, the unsolved 1947 murder case, inspiring overripe art rock noir a la Bowie’s Diamond Dogs, while La Ballade du Late Night Soho and the playful A Man on Picadilly with Terry Edwards jaunty sax echo Hunky Dory. Accordeon waltz Oh My Love is cabaret chanson nonpareil, while I Found You has the sumptuously affecting romanticism of early Roxy Music.’  Matt Snow August 2019

CLASSIC ROCK. June 2019, Exotic, alluring, the self style last chanteuse sighs and emotes a world weary ennui.Snatched glimpses of Soho refracted through an absinthe haze. Glorious, libertine , intoxicating. Ian Fortnam June 2019

NEIL SPENCER ( NME- The Observer ) WRITES: To old Soho last week, the launch of La Dernière Chanteuse’s Ecstase. Resplendent in green satin, an owl mask perched on her chapeau, Anne threw shapes derived from the sirens of pre and post-war Paris. Sweet home movie of the Riviera too

Other reviews for Ecstase   :

Doug: ECSTASE has reached American shores. Thank God. Boerum Hill, Brooklyn,New York to be exact. I listened quickly ( as I was heading out to the cinema) and that is EXACTLY what you DON’T do. This is not a toss away, play today, forget tomorrow album.This is a work of art. As is anything Anne Pigalle touches.
It’s a personal album, and in a day and age where personal, as in what’s important to you, gets lost by the second. But as in any great work of art , the artists vulnerability , which in this case lays between the grooves, gives rise to the listeners.
When you listen to as much music as I do and for as long as I have, you can’t help it- your brain is going to match it up with something you know. And the two names that came up immediately were Tom Waits and Lou Reed. And it’s not that the record sounds like either artist. The connection is the individuality, the fierce stand for personal creativity. And whether it was Pigalle’s intention or not, it’s a call to arms for your own.

Matt: ‘I have no words to describe how brilliant this record is. It’s beyond words. Wherever you are, you ought to purchase a copy of this jewel before all copies are gone. It’s for me the album of the year 2018. I’m literally spellbound by Anne’s unique interpretation and her stunning voice. The Lynch-esque atmosphere emerging from the orchestrations and arrangements is haunting. I can’t stop playing it over and over again. Sorry if I’m very bad at writing reviews: all i can say is “buy it with eyes closed, you shall not regret it “. You can only regret not to own a copy when they’re all sold out!’Martin :’Listening to the wonderful album. I am totally mesmerized by it. It’s a must have !’

Solange : ‘Sublime nouvel album d’Anne Pigalle aka The Last Chanteuse. Totally home made en édition limitée. Only for those who have taste.’

Martin: ‘Listening to the wonderful album. I am totally mesmerized by it. It’s a must have !’

Andy : Anne, Ecstase is a superb album. I listened intently to the whole thing from start to finish – something I hadn’t done with any new album in years – and it was such a deliciously intense and intimate experience

kevin21.By Kevin Cummins ‘ The Queen Of Soho



2.By Derek Ridgers at London studio

                                             3.By NickKnight IDportrait-anne-pigalle-by-mario-testino                                                                  4.By Mario Testino



“As Anne Pigalle strutted her stuff, the cameramen went into overdrive. She looked as though she just got up after a night on the absinthe and sung wonderfully”


‘The legendary chanteuse”


“The music and fashion muse on a life less ordinary”


” Moody, magnificent, and with a stunning range, Anne Pigalle’s shows transport you to a world of gorgeous sensuality and vanished times. Breathtakingly good.”


Miss Pigalle has performed in : UK, USA, France, Mexico. Japan, Afrika, Switzerland, Spain, Italy,, Austria, Germany.

Miss Pigalle has exhibited in the UK, USA, France and Mexico.

Miss Pigalle has been written about in : Dazed and Confused, I-D Magazine, The Face, Blitz, The Sunday Times, The Independant, State Magazine, Best, City, The Times, Telerama, Detour, Metal ( Spain ), Tatler, Harpers&Queen, Hi Style ( Japan ), The Daily Mail, Smash Hits, Ms London, Metro, Spin Magazine (US), Metal Hurlant, Wiener, Elle, Zig Zag, Actuel, Nude, The Guardian. VSD, City Limits, the LA Reader, Unique, Lei, Vogue, France Soir, Marie Claire, Mojo, Cut, Premiere, The Quietus, Dangerous Minds, Honey, Melody Maker, NME, Music Week, Undercurrent, Record Collector, The London Paper, Time Out, Photo, Stella, Esquire, Zoom, The Telegraph, Bizarre, classic Rock, etc…
 And more art HERE:




Live booking inquiries

Ecstase Album Cd launch at the Horse hospital

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Radio show with Peter Culshaw October 2019

***************************************************** **** AWARD WINNER for best ART FILM at the Portobello film festival 2019 for the multi media film project Ecstase



You can also buy Anne Pigalle’s art on and from Instagram

For Bookings enquire at


Get tickets here